
50 fiches sur le marketing durable / Laure Lavorata
Actes de commerce, commerçants, fonds de commerce / Alain Piedelièvre
Agriculture in the Gatt
Anti-Dumping under the WTO:A Comparative Review
Antitrust and Market Access.The Scope and Coverage of Competition Laws and Implications for Trade
Applying ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems
Best Practices in Trade Policy Reform
The Bretton Woods-Gatt System.Retrospect and Prospect after 50 Years
The buying Agency.An Executive Agency of HM Treasury
Canada and the Future of the World Trade Organization
Capital market Development in Transition Economies.Country Experiences and Policies for the Future
CMR: Contracts for The International Carriage of Goods by Road
Consumer Product Safety
Culture et Société.Un lien à recomposer
Development of Food Hygiene Standards for Australia

UFAR - Université Française en Arménie


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UFAR - Université Française en Arménie
10 rue David Anhaght
Bâtiment 1
+ 374 10 24 96 61